Oh spider, weave me a web better than I've woven
Oh spider , show me a life better than I've known
Oh spider, teach me your techniques and tricks
Oh spider, reach for me as I fall and release me at my will
Oh spider, I've so much time to kill, come quietly and kill it with me
Oh spider, If I promise to seek out the night with you? Will you promise to sleep in the morning with me?
Oh spider, Lets swing tree to tree carelessly slaying our enemies as we swing.
Oh spider, take me all the places I've always wanted to go but never could escape my own web that held me so.
Oh spider, even thou no words you speak and you sometimes creep up on me , you'll always be such an oddly amazing insect to me
Oh spider, deceive only those who have deceived me , wrap me in your web and promise to never leave me.
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