Top ten reasons you shouldn't make online friends.....10 to 1
10.People you meet online are no different than strangers on the street.
9.Talking to someone for 6 hrs straight does not mean you got to know them.. its not equivalent to knowing them in real life.
8.Lying is the easiest thing online...there's no face expressions or body language to read to tell the difference.
7.You have no idea who you are "really" talking to....age isn't a factor. Just because they tell you that they are 21 doesnt' mean its so.. the internet doesn't provide date of birth.
6.The internet is full of ppl who prey on sad, lonely, heartbroken, and troubled individuals. They will tell you exactly what you want to hear and never mean a word of it.
5.Letting your guard down and becoming emotionally involved isn't the best idea...but ladies lets face it.. its all too easy to go down this road. (perhaps some men have been there too)
4.Becoming emotionally attached to someone who listens to your problems online is the quickest way to destroy or ruin any real life realationship you may have.
3.Sneaking around...sooner or later you start hiding who or the things you talk about online...again relationship wrecker.
2. You begin to trust this person and sometimes even meet them...
1. This person , male, female. he-she or it.. is no different than a stranger off the street.
The only exception to this post is .. if you can honestly tell yourself you'll never want anymore than friendship and you can promise without a doubt , that this will not affect your real life realationships. More importantly you have to understand.. someone online can tell you anything..doesn't mean it is true. Would you be this golible in real life?