No matter what the situation, my 8 yr old daughter thinks everything is so funny. As always I find myself saying "That's not funny, I'm serious this isn't funny!" over and over again. How many times have you caught yourself saying that phrase or something similar? I'll give you some examples of the things she finds just hilarious.
I was playing with my daughter in her room and I stumped my toe on the edge of her bed. I let out a yell and tried to hold back the swear words. As I sat in pain and almost tears, she giggled uncontrollably. I looked at her wanting to scream more and said 'this isn't funny, mommy doesn't laugh at you when you are hurt'. She tried to apolize but couldnt' get her words out without laughing.
Another time, we were playing barbies and she wanted me to sit on her floor. I knew that I couldn't sit for long on the floor before my legs would fall asleep. So after about 20 mintues, the phone rang and of course I had to get up to answer it. Omg, as I began to stand up pain and numbness shot straight thru my feet and all the way to my hip. I screamed like I had just been ran over with a car. Once again, I was her comic relief. She laughed and giggled until she stopped breathing for a mintue or so. I quickly turned around when i didnt hear her anymore. "Breath!!" i screamed. The poor child was laughing so hard , she had fallen over and was almost in tears.
For the life of me, I can not figure out why she thinks everything is funny.
Sitting around the living room eating and watching tv...someone left a sandwich on the coffee table while they ran to the other room. The dog quickly snagged the sandwich and swallowed it whole. It wasnt' really the dogs fault, afterall it was a natural reaction for her to gobble it up. Dogs think anything left lying around is fair game. Now my stepson was furious at the dog for eating his sandwich but my daughter couldn't resist the urge to laugh. She looks at the dog and says "good girl, good Asia you ate the sandwich.". This just made her brother more mad and upset yet she couldn't stop laughing insanely.
There are so many more moments when she thought things were funny that were never meant to be. I'll be sure to add more soon and feel free to add some of your own "why do kids think everything is funny?" spills.
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