Saturday, September 5, 2009

My visit to the Mountains......and chilling in the garage.

Today I took the girls and we headed for the mountains to visit with my dad. I love the mountains! Its where I grew up and where my heart lives. So peaceful and quiet there, just like a mountain resort.

I was sitting around with my dad in his garage listening to him and his friends talk. Amazing how that man can tell stories that are bound to make everyone smile. We joked and laughed as the kids talked about school and which one is better. Funny thing is they talked about two elementary schools in the same district like they were rival schools. Then the subject of politics came up. This opened a can of worms for both us adults and the children. Talk about a loaded conversation but we'll leave that one in the hills.....
Dad's chickens were hanging around the garage as well, mingling about but they stayed outside. My brother acting like a teen again, was trying to catch them. I told him " If one pecks you, I'm going to laugh and you. Oh I can't wait for this!". He was tossing crackerjacks out to the chickens and lured one in close enough to catch. So he scooped up the chicken just as it bit down on the Carmel coated popcorn. Oddly the chicken never dropped its popcorn the whole time it was struggling to get loose. My brother put the chicken down very soon thou, I think he was nervous about being pecked. There was a little bit of crumbs left in the crackerjack bag and he threw them to the chickens. All the chickens came running in for a treat and were crowded in front of the garage. Then they started coming inside for more food. This was not good because my dad didn't like them in the garage because would poop on his floor. Dad's friend, Sir swear alot, tells my brother "you better get them F'n things out of here before they shit all over the F'n floor and your dad has an F'n fit" Sir swear alot curses often but for as long as I've known him, this is what he has been known for. The kids weren't bothered by it at all, they laughed at him.

Dad's other friend was asking if he was going to the races tonight. Well of course dad didn't' really want to go seeing how his car was out of commission. The motor blew up and its not very fun to sit and watch other people race when you want to be out there trying to beat them. Then dad starts joking with me again telling me how I should drop this new motor in his car for him while he goes away. Yeah sure I thought ,, like I know how to do that.

Dad's always busy fixing something. He just finished fixing my lawn mower today and my jeep a few weeks ago. He just can't sit still and relax. I think he sat a whole 2 mins and then sprang up like he had a spring in his but. So I say "dad sit down and relax a while longer". With arms open wide he says " You take care of all of this and I'll rest". Staring out across the yard, I see several cars that need repairs and other projects he has started. This is a man that will be assigning chores and jobs from the grave. From sun up to sun down, that man never stops to sit a spell. He'll finish a job and always say he has 50 million things to do. I want him to just do one , take a week off and stop to enjoy life. If I knew a way to send him away on a small trip , I'd even help him pack and leave all 50 million jobs and projects behind. Time is wasting and life is too short. Its time he start enjoying it more.

On the way home we stopped by the family cometary to see Pap and grandma's grave. My daughter wanted to check and see if the flowers she put on the grave were still there. Of course , just as I told her, they hadn't moved.

The perfect ending to this perfect day ended with a nice meal at Pizza Hut. Just me and the girls having a quiet day, the good ole fashion way.....

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